230 Commerce Way, Suite 325
Portsmouth, NH 03801
Products: Petzi pet camera, Serve smart feeder, Go smart door, Explore smart collar
Category: Pet Cameras
Category: Smart Feeders
Category: Misc Gadgets
Category: Trackers
Competitors: Tomofun,
Anser Innovation (Petchatz),
Acer (Pawbo)
Founded: 2015
Number of Employees: 50 – 100
Estimated Monthly Amazon Sales:
Estimated Annual Revenue: $10 million (New Hampshire Business Review)
- Planning merger with its manufacturing vendor SigmaTron (June 2020)
- Black and Decker sells the Wagz smart collar under the BD brand
- Acquired Petzila, the manufacturer of the Petzi treat cam in 2018
New Hampshire-based Wagz offers a range of pet tech products: smart feeder, video treat cam, wifi tracker and a smart door.
The company was founded in 2015 by Terry Anderton.